and you are damn bad to me. you've always been damn bad to me. and today it got rather irritating especially since i was pretty distressed. but nevermind. we had alot of great moments together. i dont think breaking a friendship cos of that is really worth it. haha.
ooh. and thanks mam. for lending the cds. yea. they were not bad actually. i promise to bring the radiohead cd tomorrow. oh yea. went home with qingyuan today. talked quite abit. in fact, it was the longest i talked to him since he came into class. haha. i'm sure we'll get to know each other more if we talk some more. haha. nvm.
and gambit roxorrzxzx. he should be in all the x-men movies and any future ones since he's so damn bloody cool.

drool. his powers damn cool lah. charge up anything with kinetic energy making them very explosive. especially his pack of cards. and not to mention the staff. haha.

loll.remember trashing everyone during the days of marvel vs capcom using gambit. look at wolverine trying to leech off gambit's glory.
and finally. be warned. the necrons are coming this fall. to reap all things living to quench the thirst of the Nightbringer with the souls of all things living. hoho. stay tuned.

this was a totally random post.
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